Tuesday, January 12, 2010

29 Gifts Challenge - Day 5

(Again, you can read about the 29 Gifts challenge at www.29gifts.org)

One of the "rules" of the challenge is that if you miss a day of giving, you should start over, which is why I am only on day 5. I'm sure on the day that I missed that I gave something, but it wasn't good enough for me to remember, so I began the challenge again. I have to say that in the short time that I have taken on this challenge, I have felt a shift in attitude. Not only am I focusing on the positive things that I am doing for people, but I am more aware of the things that people are doing for me, as well as taking the time to do something for myself everyday.

One of the main things that I have learned so far is that in order to be considered a gift, I do not have to do anything extraordinary. A quote from the book says, "Grand gestures aren't necessary." I found myself trying to come up with "grand gestures" within the first few days, but then read that quote in the book and it changed my thinking. I also believed, within the first few days, that I could "map" out what my 29 gifts would be. However, I quickly came to realize that the gifts that are given in the moment are more rewarding, both for myself and the recipient.

I am excited by the possibilities that have come about from this 29 Gift challenge and I hope that I can get, at least, one person to take part as well.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

I have been working on a list of goals for myself for 2010. I have come up with 6 so far. I am hoping to come up with a couple more in the next few days. Here are the 6 that I have for right now:
1. Be a mommy :o) I already consider myself a mommy to my 2 cats and dog, but I am hoping for a human child this year ;o) We have been trying for some time with no luck, but I know that when God is ready, he will allow me to have a baby.

2. To do the 29 gifts challenge that I mentioned in my previous post. I started it on January 1st and it's amazing how different I feel already. I find myself looking for things to "give" to people and it has allowed me to recognize the things that I have received from others as well. The fact that not everything has to have monetary value is great too.

3. Pay off my car by September! I am pretty proud of myself. We purchased the Pilot in March and I have already paid off half of it! I have adjusted my spending (i.e. making coffee at home instead of buying it every morning; not getting lunch at work, but buying Lean Cuisines or bringing in leftovers) and have found the change to be fabulous. My car loan amount has gone down and our savings account has gone up!

4. Snail mail people more. Nowadays, we are quick to email someone or Facebook them, but how often do you get notes and cards in the mail from someone just having them say they are thinking of you?! I am hoping to do more of this!

5. I plan on finishing the numerous craft projects that I started in 2009, but didn't get around to finishing. Brian and I were married in 2008 and I haven't even started a scrapbook! Our honeymoon scrapbook is started, but not finished. Plus the other things that I put aside. It's time to get them done before starting any others!

6. Last, but not least, is I want to leave little notes and gifts for Brian to find. We work different schedules and don't see each other a lot, so I think it will be nice for him to know I am thinking of him even though we aren't around each other too much. I used to leave Post-Its on the door for him to get when he got home from work, but realized I hadn't done that in awhile, so it's time to do that again. He's a great husband and I want him to know it :o)

So, that's what I have so far!