Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesdays at work = dreadful!

It is only 7:43 am as I type this in my little office at work. It's freezing outside...I actually had to start my car this morning before feeding the cats, and wait for the frost to dethaw! I am not ready for the cold! It seems like we barely had a decent summer due to all of the rain! And not to mention the lack of sunlight! I come into work when it's still dark and as I am leaving at 3pm, it's beginning to get dark already!

While I tend to dread winter because of the short days, the coldness, and the lack of outdoor activity, I am trying to come up with some things that I can do indoors to pass the time. I have taken up reading again, which is good. I tend to go through spurts where I read a lot and then not so much. I actually joined a little reading group with a couple of friends (and a couple of new people that I don't know...but it's always good to meet new people!) last week! Our assignment is to read 1 book before our January meeting. I am working on this book, as well as a few others at the same time. It's relaxing and gives me something to do on the chilly nights when Brian is at work!

While I am beginning to dread these days at work, since it has slowed down tremendously, I am thankful that I do have a job where I can blog, read, work on my lia sophia business, and do other random things. However, the lack of work doesn't take away from the fact that moods are constantly changing here! With the economy the way it is, people just don't seem to be buying a lot from us here at the FC, which means people's moodiness rears its ugly head and I seem to get the most of it. By the time I get home, even though I haven't done much work all day, I am exhausted and just need time to "detox" myself.

On a more positive note...I am THRILLED for tomorrow! Why, you ask?! Well, my lovely sister-in-"love", Holly along with my fabulous brother, Adam, and oh so cute nephew, Bryson will take a trip to the doctor to find out what sex the baby is tomorrow! I have had more than enough people say, "You must want them to have a girl, since you already have 2 nephews!" What do you mean, must?! Yes, I have 2 nephews, but if I had a third one, it wouldn't make any difference. Healthy is my number 1 priority for the baby and Holly and if we all had boys, it wouldn't matter to me!

I would say I am leaving now to get some work done, but that's not true. Maybe I will do the crossword puzzle in the paper, or read the People magazine that my mom dropped off for me. We'll see what the day brings!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Can't wait to let you know what we are having! Pink or Blue. . .either will do!

What books are you reading? You should pick up that Trilogy I was telling you about The Mark of the Lion Series set in Rome during the colseum days. . .SOOO good!