Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!

*I posted this on my Facebook page this morning and thought I would do it on here too! Enjoy!*

1. Brian and I have known each other since 7th grade French class with Mr. Boivin. We sat across the room from one another, but would write notes back and forth (he still has some!). We even dated for some time in high school.
2. I am obsessed with forensic science. I am constantly researching the topic and think it's bizarre that I am fascinated with true crime stories. Brian thinks I should take classes for it!
3. I make myself a to-do list every week. I take joy in crossing things off of the list as I complete them.
4. When I was younger, I never understood why my mom cleaned the house once a week. Now, a week doesn't go by that our house isn't dusted and vacuumed and that the bathrooms aren't cleaned.
5. I just started collecting Fiestaware dishes. I have been crazy about them since I was little (don't ask me why!) and looking at them on our new corner shelf in the kitchen makes me happy.
6. I love doing laundry...I just hate putting the clothes away after they are all folded!
7. I could eat pasta everyday for the rest of my life and never get sick of it. We could have a bare empty fridge, but there will always be a super sized parmesan cheese in there! If there isn't (for some strange reason) I will refuse to eat pasta, even if I already cooked it!
8. I have 2 tattoos. a pink hibiscus flower on my lower back and three stars with my wedding date in them on my right hip. I am already brainstorming on what I will get for my next one.
9. I really enjoy checking my email. People are amazed at how quickly I respond when they write to me.
10. I frequently compare things that happen in my life to episodes of Sex and the City...haha!
11. In 10 weeks, I am going to be an auntie of 3!
12. I HATE grocery shopping! I put it off as long as I possibly can!
13. I do the puzzles in the newspaper everyday. These include Sudoku, Wonderword, Cryptoquip, and the Crossword.
14. I get frustrated when I cannot figure out vanity license plates. If I look at it and can't figure it out, I can no longer look at the car because it makes me mad!
15. I dislike people that think that they know everything about everything! Honestly, it's okay if you are not knowledgable in every subject!
16. I just recently became addicted to watching Wheel of Fortune.
17. I am at Target at least once a week. My favorite thing to do is walk around and check out all of their clearance racks.
18. I have been working on and off at The Fruit Center for 11 years! Holy moley!
19. I can't wait until I am a mom. As much work as it is to be a parent, the thought of having a little person that is half me and half Brian is pretty incredible.
20. I don't go a day without talking to my mom and/or my sister. They're the best and I love that we're so close.
21. I give myself a manicure once a week (I'm due for one today actually!)
22. I can't stand watching sports on TV, but take me to a game and I fit right in with the other crazy fans!
23. I cut 12 inches off my hair about 5 years ago and donated it. As nice as that felt to do, I hated having short hair and I have vowed to myself that I will never cut that much off again!
24. I never use a debit card. I cash my paycheck. People think that I am weird, but then there are people that ask me to teach them my budget because it works really well.
25. I don't really like talking on the phone. I will do it with certain people, but I would much rather email or text. I know that sounds impersonable, but I can't really multitask while on the phone, so I have a hard time sitting still for the amount of time it takes to talk to someone!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I thought coming up with 25 things about me was going to be hard. . .I could have come up with so many more. It was fun to read through your list. ;)