Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To Sell or Not To Sell?! That is the question....

I made great progress in the past week or so, as you already know! I was able to throw away 2 LARGE garbage bags of things that we didn't need and put together several boxes of things that could be sold in the yard sale at Brian's parents' house that is coming up this Saturday. I was in the mood to clean, clean, clean! And boy, am I glad that I did that! I am even proud of myself for only saving a couple of things from our wedding, putting them in a Rubbermaid container, and placing that in the basement...the rest of the stuff is being put in the yard sale. That was the easy part...now I am going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should sell my wedding dress. Right now, it's folded and sitting on the bottom of my closet...not where it should be! I am torn between getting it cleaned and preserved and saving it...or cleaning it and trying to sell it. I did some research yesterday and called a local (what I thought was) a little bit higher class consignment store. I always drive by and they always have wedding dresses in their windows. Well, I was informed of their crappy policy, which is:
1. They choose the price that the dress will be put on sale for.
2. You will receive payment if the dress sells up to 6 months from the "put on sale" date. Even if the dress sells the second you walk out the door, you still get your check in 6 months.
3. Dresses "rarely if ever" (direct quote from lady on the phone) sell for more than $200/$300 and after that, I would walk away with 50%. So, the most I would get is $150?! Come on!!!

Honestly, I know that I can't put a price on the memories that this dress has for me, so it would be difficult for me to try to price it, but I know that I couldn't just let it go for that amount of money! Not only because I paid WAY more than that, but it's a beautiful dress!

Brian and I have talked about it and he thinks that I should do whatever I want to do. He said it's my dress and it's my decision. And I even got so far last night as to download pics of the dress for Craig's List last night, but when it came time to posting the listing, I couldn't do it. This is obviously something that I need to think hard and long about. I am usually the type that gets an idea and has to do it right away...but this time, it's different. Once that dress is gone, it's gone. But at the same time, I could hold onto it for years and years with it just taking up space and then never getting around to doing anything with it!

So, the questions remains...to sell or not to sell?! We'll see what I decide!

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