Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day?!

I haven't decided yet if I like Labor Day or not. Sure, I only had to work 3 hours this morning, which gave me time to start on my organization kick...and yeah, it's beautiful outside and I felt stress free today. However, Labor Day signals the end of summer. School buses will start popping up are back to school...which can only mean fall is right around the corner. While I like fall, I like everything that this summer had to bring. So, maybe I am only undecided about how I feel about this Labor Day because it signals the end of the best summer ever...

So, as I wrote about yesterday, I am in the midst of getting our home organized. I got a great start today and Brian's parents (or should I say, my in-laws) set a date of the 13th for their yard sale, so that made me more motivated than before to declutter! How exactly do 2 people accumulate so much "stuff"?! I made a rule for myself before I started that if I hadn't seen something for the past year, then it was either going into the trash or going into a box for the yard sale. Well, let me tell you, I musn't go into my basement or my craft room closet very often because I was able to dispose of many things! So much that it filled a large black garbage bag (I am working on a second!) and 4 boxes for the yard sale. Not just any boxes housed our microwave when we bought it! And 3 others were decent size. Most of the majority is from the wedding. I kept 1 or 2 of everything I had purchased for decorations and decided to part with the rest. So, now the men with the new washer and dryer will be able to have a clear path to follow to install my new "babies"! and we will now be able to open the craft room closet without the fear of "falling debris"! The next step will be to just tidy up the craft room one last time and tidy up the living room from bringing things I wanted to keep from the basement...and I think we're in good shape. Now, let's just see how long things will stay this way!

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